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Production and Shipping
Getting Started
Production and Shipping
What does the book look like?
You can view an example of a Kith and Kin book here.
How much does a book cost?
Our books begin at $69 for books up to 30 pages. For books with more than 30 pages, we charge a rate of $1.00 per additional page. Your total will be calculated at checkout.
Can I edit what people contribute?
You have the ability to review, edit and approve all contributions. You can also send a contribution back to its sender for edits. We feel it’s important to ensure contributors have a chance to correct or clarify a submission.
Do people see what others contribute?
No. Given the thoughtful and personal nature of most contributions, we do not allow contributors to see one another’s content. As the organizer, only you are able to see all the content by default.
How many people can contribute to a book?
However many you like! Our standard books can hold up to 380 pages. If your book is longer than this, it will be printed across multiple volumes.